Monday, August 18, 2008

100 Things About Me

Through I really have tons of things I could/should be doing, I love making lists and this was just too tempting.....
  1. I am super organized and love to color code things.
  2. I'm very witty and articulate.
  3. I'm getting married on July 11th, 2009.
  4. Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese icing are my favorite dessert!
  5. I'm a cradle Catholic.
  6. I hate working out.
  7. I'm afraid my dad will die too young.
  8. My voice changed after I had my tonsils out.
  9. I love to people watch.
  10. I have wanted to name my dog Pavarotti since I can remember.
  11. I love fat animals.
  12. I have two chicken pox scars on my face, which I love.
  13. I collect greeting cards with dogs on them (and I don't send them).
  14. The best recipe I have is for Vanilla Chip Cake.
  15. I met my fiance online on Yahoo! Personals.
  16. I wish I was closer to my sister.
  17. At any given time, I am maintaining at least 3 calendars.
  18. I wish I enjoyed running.
  19. I graduated with a bachelor's and master's degree in 5 years.
  20. I love Sharpie markers.
  21. Surprisingly, I hate wedding planning.
  22. When I was little, I called my sister Jesus.
  23. Rarely ever do I not get my way.
  24. I had surgery twice on the same wrist.
  25. I make lists of lists I need to make.
  26. My fingers turn purple when I'm cold....which is all the time.
  27. I watch way too much television.
  28. I wear my emotions on my'll know when I'm mad.
  29. Sometimes I think I can't do anything right.
  30. I take really long showers.
  31. I've always known I was an old soul trapped in a young persons body.
  32. I play the piano.
  33. I love clean, corny jokes.
  34. Science fiction is my preferred reading genre.
  35. I teach 4th grade religious education.
  36. I love jaw breakers, even though I know they're terrible for my teeth.
  37. I have fat eye lids.
  38. I love my job as a Speech-Language Pathologist.
  39. I used to play the trombone.
  40. I'm addicted to checking my e-mail.
  41. I love cheese.
  42. I am addicted to Sticky Notes.
  43. I used to do ballet.
  44. I am publishing my master's thesis.
  45. I have high anxiety.
  46. My childhood fear was that I would never get married.
  47. I was never silly until I met Jon.
  48. I have been watching ER since the very beginning.
  49. I pop zits.
  50. I was president of my Catholic Sorority for two years.
  51. I get sick very easily.
  52. I love scuba diving, though I only go to 80 feet.
  53. I never have less than 2 gallons of cranberry juice in my house.
  54. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor.
  55. I can be a bitch.
  56. My best friend and I are almost the same person, but I'm taller.
  57. I love candy and hate to share it.
  58. I believe in better living through chemistry.
  59. I need music to fall asleep.
  60. I have poor self esteem.
  61. I can't tolerate stupid people.
  62. I drink way more Coke than I should.
  63. I'm afraid I'll be unable to have children.
  64. I love snow skiing.
  65. I have old lady feet...and terrible bunions.
  66. I snack in bed.
  67. Boston Terrier's are my favorite type of dog.
  68. I'm not very patient.
  69. I am the most generous person you'll meet.
  70. I think it is socially irresponsible to not keep up with the news.
  71. I love baking, but don't really like cooking.
  72. I have no living grandparents.
  73. I really like camping and hiking.
  74. I enjoy scrap booking online.
  75. I buy way too many bath products.
  76. I believe in buying books and keeping them.
  77. I talk to my mom at least once a day.
  78. I recycle paper, plastic, and aluminum.
  79. I never thought making a list could be hard.
  80. I hate shopping.
  81. I love shopping on-line.
  82. I feel awkward in social situations.
  83. I know I will be a good mom.
  84. One day, I will probably dress my dogs up. I will probably also buy them life jackets.
  85. I would love to own an Audi TT Roadster.
  86. I consider myself pretty computer savvy.
  87. If I ever quit being a speech pathologist, I would become a personal organizer or life coach.
  88. I believe in mental health professionals.
  89. Sometimes I forget to brush my teeth.
  90. I don't really like candles.
  91. I'm a Longhorn fan living in an Aggie world.
  92. I'll take Burt's Bees Lip Balm over lipstick any day.
  93. Even though I know it's trashy, I love reading Cosmo.
  94. I have four pairs of Crocs.
  95. I am the most generous person you will ever meet.
  96. I'm not a very good blogger.
  97. I want to go to Europe.
  98. I love sending greeting cards to people for no reason.
  99. Medical drama or reality shows are my favorite.
  100. I never thought it would be hard to make a list about myself.

Well, there you have it. Try it's not as easy as it seems!