Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hello Again!

Well, I've decided to start blogging again. I've been doing it off and on for about four years on another site, but I've decided to start up again for two reasons. First, I want to remember my patients and the lessons they've taught me. I don't write about them for others; I write about them for me, so that I may have a central place to revisit those memories. I will repost some of the more recent memories.

Second, I need to keep my sanity. I write lots things before I say them. Sometimes I say those written things afterwards, and sometimes I don't. I think this habit of mine will come in handy, especially in the next year, as I plan my wedding. I have been engaged for 9 days so far, and the control freak in me is already showing. I know, for my sake and my fiance's sake, that I cannot become a bridezilla. So, hopefully blogging about this process will make it a little easier (at least on him!).

I tend to personalize much of what goes on around me: the good and the bad. About 4 months ago, while waking through the mall with my fiance, I came across one of those decorative signs in Hallmark. It read, very simply, "Love what you do." That phrase has not left my mind. I want that to be true for me all the time: when I'm at work or with Jon or doing all the other crazy things I do. So, that is the goal, which leads me to my favorite quote of all time: "Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery. We only have the gift of today; that is why we call it the present!" ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

And now, some Zelda Wisdom...

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