Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thank You Santa

Christmas #0 - the Christmas before our real first Christmas together once we're married - is sadly over. I love Christmas and having Jon there really solidified how much I love him and can't wait to be married to him. Ok, enough with the gushy stuff, onto what Santa brought....

Santa Jon definitely brought me the number one item on my list: the iPodTouch!

I know I shouldn't be in love with an electronic device, but I am! I've already loaded a few applications, but I am still doing some research on the best calendar/to do list application. I think the winner will be this one...Smart Time Plus.

Mom and Dad and Tee and Kev were definitely good to us this year as well. I say "us" because the majority of our loot was wedding/future life together related. The top "when I grow up" gift
by far was a Panini Press/Griddle:

Now the part about Christmas I like the least is upon us: writing thank you notes. And yes, you should write thank you notes and send them in the mail to your's just the polite thing to do.

In other news...
I had my knee MRIed on Tuesday. The good news: it didn't cost me an arm and a leg because I had it done at the end of the year. The other good news: nothing is torn. The bad news: it still hurts, but not as much. When I went to the doctor on Monday he gave me some pretty good anti-inflammatory medication, so I think they're helping. I haven't seen the doctor again since the MRI, so hopefully on Monday he'll give me a game plan. You know, I really hate exercising, but when you stop for a while and can't go back, you actually start to miss it! I wonder if all those Christmas cookies I ate have anything to do with that?!?

Alright, avid followers (haha), I am off to play with my new toys! Enjoy yours!!!

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