Sunday, October 18, 2009


So, I thought this weekend was going to be a relaxing weekend at home, but alas, that never happens. Jon’s friends came in from Austin to go to the Renisance Festival with Jon while I planned to get some things taken care of at home. One appointment I had was with the eye doctor. I know, an eye doctor who makes Saturday appointments is awesome!

At 11:00 am I went for my appointment. My new doctor was very through and quite nice. They had this fancy new machine that can take a picture of your retina instead of having your eyes dilated. Of course the fancy eye camera is not covered by insurance and is an extra $40 bucks. So, I opted to have my eyes dilated. After she dilated my eyes, I had to wait about 20 minutes and then have her re-exam my dilated retinas.

As she tested my right eye, I could tell something was wrong. She would have me look to the right several times, check another direction, and then have me look right again. When she was finished, she let me know that I had two holes in my retina and that it was detaching from my eye. SCARY! Being in healthcare, I know what retinal detachment means. My doctor wasted no time in conveying how serious my condition was (retinal detachment = blindness) and quickly explained how I would be visiting the retinal specialist on Monday.

Needless to say, I’m a little freaked out. My eye doctor told me that retinal detachment is common in people who are very nearsighted (me!) and in people with diabetes. So, in addition to visiting the retinal specialist, I also have to be tested for diabetes. UGH!!! I’m not quite sure what Monday holds, but my eye doctor said I’d probably have laser surgery tomorrow, if not very early next week.

So, please pray everything goes well. Oh, and go make an eye appointment!