Saturday, December 20, 2008

I'm Bad at Blogging

I'm such a bad blogger! I don't really blog for anyone but myself, but I love reading other people's blogs and feel bad that mine is never updated. So, here's a few (or maybe more) snippets of what's going on in my life. Enjoy!!

My Stupid Leg
Ok, so I'm blogging on Saturday night. Why, you ask? Because I hurt my stupid leg. Well, my stupid knee, really. Right now I'm laying in bed with my knee in a brace, propped up, and covered in ice. Jon is here and is taking very good care of me. I consider this a good practice run for marriage. So far, no big fights, despite the fact that I am cranky. I went to the doctor last week and was told to take the conservative route first....brace, ice, steroids. Well, that route isn't working so well. So, on Monday I'll be calling him back and giving him the ok to order an MRI. Yea, all I really want for Christmas is an MRI! Anyway, I'm being a crab and that's why.

But What I Really Want for Christmas Is....
So, I've been telling Jon for a long time that I want a Palm Pilot. I am a self described organizational freak. I have four calendars I keep up with....e-mail, day planner, wall calendar, and work calendar. All of these calendars are always up to matter what. So, anyway, I have been telling Jon for a long time that it would make my neurotic life much easier if I had an electronic organizer instead of all these different calendars. Though I love writing on all of them and color coding them with Sharpie, keeping up with them can get a bit time consuming. Jon resisted the idea of a Palm Pilot because the technology is a bit older and I didn't want it as a phone all-in-one thing. So, he introduced me to the idea of the iPodTouch! Now, I already have an iPod, which I use when I work out, but WOW.....that thing can do so many organizational tricks that I almost peed my pants! So, I don't know if "Santa Jon" will put it under the tree for me, but he sure has been hinting at it. I really hope he does, because I've already spent like 4 hours in the Apps Store picking out organizational applications I would put on my iPodTouch if I got one. Please Santa, I've been an awfully good girl!!! And, I made him chocolate covered pretzels to bring to work!

How About a Knuckle Sandwich
So, work has been pretty crazy lately, more so than normal. Anyway, I have this patient who I see for articulation (pronouncing things correctly) therapy. My patient, T, is 7 years old and hates speech therapy. But, he is a good sport about it because I've devised a system where if he practices he can earn points. And points = good prizes from his parents. So, the other day, he came into my office just *thrilled* about being at speech therapy, and asked me "Miss Emily, have you ever heard of a knuckle sandwich?" Of course I know what a knuckle sandwich is, but I definitely didn't know where T was going with this. So, I told him I knew what it was and he responded with "Well, aren't they cool!" And that was it; we just went on with therapy. How random!

Speaking of knuckle sandwiches, I had another patient this week, total different from T, who tried to give me a knuckle sandwich. My patient, a very old man with pretty significant dementia, was having swallowing problems. We were down in radiology getting ready for a modified barium swallow study (x-ray of swallowing while you eat conducted by an SLP). I tell my patients, with complete truth, that the longest part of these x-ray swallow studies is waiting for the doctor. So, here I am standing in front of my patient, so he won't fall out of the chair, waiting for the doctor, making small talk. Then, all of a sudden, my patient reaches out his arm, with a semi closed fist, like he is grabbing for something on my chest. Now, I wasn't scared because this man is not strong enough to hurt a fly, but nevertheless I didn't want him grabbing me, so I gently guided his hand away from me and asked him "Mr. H, what are you grabbing for?" This is a pretty typical question I ask my patients in these situation because many of them take medication that makes them hallucinate. Anyway, in response to my question, Mr. H answered "Not grabbing, just seeing how tough you are!" Haha...this man was trying to give me a knuckle sandwich.

And I'm Done....
Well, blogging just not as fun when you have someone laughing/reading over your shoulder, so I'm signing off for now.


Morgan said...

I DIDN'T CHECK MY BLOG THIS WEEKEND!!!! Tis why I didn't call you! Bah. I miss you and love you and hope your knee gets better!!!

sarahsmile3 said...

How did you hurt your knee?