Monday, January 12, 2009

Best Seat in Town

So, I was at the hospital the other day and had to do a modified barium swallow study on a cute little old lady who had dementia. Now, people with dementia do say some pretty funny things, but this story takes the cake!

The cute little old lady is sitting in the modified barium swallow study chair, which is a tall chair that slides in between the radiology tower and the table (like being in a closet so small the walls touch your arms), waiting for the radiologist to come. Usually it takes the radiologist several minutes to show up, so I'm left entertaining my patients.

So, I'm making small talk with this cute little old lady when she says "I am so excited to be at this football game! I have never had such good seats for a football game! And, you decorate so nicely for these football games! I love sports; I played volleyball in high school. Oh, I am just so excited; I have never had such good seats for a football game!!!"

So what did I say? I did what any good speech pathologist does when encountering a patient with dementia....I went along with her story. Now, her nurse, who was there supervising, attempted to re-orient the cute little old lady several times, but with no luck. The cute little old lady just kept repeating her story! "I have never had such good seats for a football game!"

I don't think I'll be forgetting that little old lady anytime soon!

News From The Wedding Front

So, as you may or may not know, I am supposedly way ahead of the wedding planning game. I have all of my vendors booked, I have my flowers picked out, I have a dress and all the things that go along with it, and many other things I don't care to think about now. But, if you know me, that hasn't stopped me from trying to finish up wedding planning now. I want to have it all done and I want to have it all done now. What's the point in procrastinating? Anyway, I don't want to get started on my rant.

This weekend was a designated wedding extravaganza weekend. We (meaning I) designate a weekend every so often to focus on wedding stuff. Since I refuse to plan this wedding alone, my wonderful fiance, Jon, graciously puts up with me during these weekends and does a very good job helping me out.

Now, wedding extravaganza weekends rarely go well, and it usually takes every ounce of strength I have to make it through tear-free (didn't make it this time). Those of you who know me know I am a self-proclaimed organizational freak. But, despite that quality, I hate wedding planning. I want a beautiful wedding and a nice party afterwards, but all I really want is to be married to Jon. And wedding planning stresses me out! So, I'll just throw it out there that this weekend was a rough one. But, again, the point of this update is not to complain; it is to show you one of the good things that came out of this weekend!

The one last thing I needed to complete my wedding ensemble was a comb to wear at the junction of my head and my veil. I had searched all over for a comb that I like, but hadn't found one. And, I just couldn't stomach the $60 to $80 dollar price tags that came along with the ones I found. So, on a whim (I know....who knew I did whims), I dragged Jon to Hobby Lobby and blindly bought supplies to make a comb myself. Now, I don't want to toot my own horn, but I am super impressed with myself. See...

Tada!! And, the best cost less than $22 bucks and 2 hours of time!

1 comment:

sarahsmile3 said...

Great job! It's lovely!