Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Magical Nose Pot

Jon has been sick lately...last weekend he had the terrible stomach bug that is going around and this weekend he has a head cold. Ever since we've been together, I have told him about the wonderfulness of the "nose pot", as he calls it. The "nose pot" is a Neti Pot.

A neti pot is used to clean out your sinuses. As you can tell from the picture above, it's not a fancy device, just a little tea pot you stick up your nose. Well, Jon has always thought it was disgusting (and in some ways I agree with him) and had refused to ever try it. But last night, he was so stopped up that he caved and tried the neti pot.

And you know what he said....."That is the best thing ever! If I would have known it did this, I would have tried it years ago!" But isn't that what I've been saying all along!!! It's a good thing I love him!

1 comment:

sarahsmile3 said...

I have tried to convince many friends to use the magical neti pot. Most of them refuse to use it. It's their loss.