Friday, February 19, 2010

Lots of new updates...sorry I'm a crummy blogger

So, I've been really bad about blogging, as I'm sure you can tell. I started reading all of my blogs on google reader and have become so engrossed with them that I've neglected my own blog. Sorry blog.....

So, updates. We're buying a house! It is a new home that is currently being built. We've gotten to pick out the tile, carpet, granite, and fixtures. I'm really excited about it! We close April 15th. And, to top it off, our landlord is being nice and letting us out of our lease early! I'll have to post pictures soon. This does mean, however, that we've made the big decision to stay in College Station for at least the next three years (we want that tax credit!). We just had to come to grips with the fact that right now, this (our job situations) is the best thing out there. So, we bit the bullet and are putting down roots.

Other not so big updates....Mona is really growing on us. She is such a funny dog. I'll have to get Jon to post some videos of her. Some of her not so cute habits include sucking at potty training, **screaming** when she doesn't get her way, and gnawing on your toes with her razor sharp teeth. Hopefully it's just a puppy phase and she'll grow out of it.

Work has been going well. I have a few patients I need to blog about, but again cannot find the motivation. Stay tuned to see how that works out.

1 comment:

sarahsmile3 said...

I can't wait to see pics of the new house!

Those puppy teeth hurt. I can sympathize.