Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Lots" - read "more" - Time on My Hands

I have definitely been MIA for quite a while, dear blog. My apologies. It's not that I don't have any good stories, it's just that I have been so swamped at work. There are no words to describe how busy we have been. But, that's not why I'm back to blogging. I'm back to blogging, at least for the short-term, because I have a little more time on my hands and no time on my feet!

On Tuesday (1/4/11) I had my bunion on my right foot corrected. YEA! Well, not YEA yet, but hopefully soon. I'm off from work at least until the 12th (and maybe later, depending on how I feel) and should have plenty of time to update.

But for now, I'm in quite a bit of pain and am itching like crazy (thank you pain pills!) so I'll be attempting to sleep soon. Tomorrow I plan on telling you about my absolute most favorite Tasmanian Devil. Stay tuned!

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