Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Favorite Little Devil

I think I met my most favorite patient of all time - I'll call him Juan for blogging purposes. Juan is a twin and was most likely deprived of oxygen at birth. He looks nothing like any other members of his Hispanic family; he has a huge head, the thickest hair you have ever seen, almond shaped eyes, big chunky feet, and is the size of a seven-year-old though he is only five. When I first met Juan, I knew he must be mentally retarded - the way he was so friendly, called everyone "mama", and had not a clue that what he was saying made absolutely no sense. He became one of my favorite kids instantly.

The best thing about Juan, but unfortunately the reason why he had to come to therapy, was the way he talked. He literally sounded like the Tasmanian Devil - complete with his tongue hanging out and the hand motions to match! And it wasn't like Juan just turned on his Tasmanian Devil impression for certain people - he talked that way all the time and to every person he met. Everyone in the office loved working with Juan because he was so compliant and fun - and you got to practice your Tasmanian Devil impression (complete with hand gestures!). Juan did progress in therapy and was eventually able to functionally communicate but always seemed to go back to his Tasmanian Devil voice. I wouldn't blame him either, it was the best voice ever!

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