Thursday, August 25, 2011

This is why...

Today I discharged one of my oldest (longest in therapy) and most favorite patients. She's one of my cancer patients who has done e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g I have asked her to do. She is one of the most dedicated people I have ever met and her hard work has paid off!

I prescribe facial and swallowing exercises for most of my cancer patients. Radiation creates significant fibrosis (scar tissue), so exercises help prevent and break up that scar tissue. My patient is so faithful in doing her exercises - she does them at home, in the grocery store, while driving, in the waiting room, anywhere. I love hearing her stories about how she does her exercises and all the funny reactions she gets!

I love working with my cancer patients! I was able to fully convey this to my patient today - on the last day she'll be my patient and the first day she'll be my friend. This is one of the main reasons I love what I do!

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