Friday, February 27, 2009

Addicted to Blog Reading

I must confess that I am officially addicted to Blog reading. Every day after work, I come home and check every Blog I read for updates. Sometimes, when there are lots of new posts to sift through, I'll spend 2+ hours reading my Blogs. I love reading about people's every day lives, funny antics, and crazy cakes (see my Blog reviews below). If I read something particularly notable, I have even been known to talk about it at work. I know, I'm ridiculous!

I felt compelled to write this post because I read an especially awesome Blog post this morning. Kristen in California wrote about the Do's and Don'ts for Sending Racially Insensitive E-Mail Forwards. I loved this post because we've all been hit with these e-mails: You check your Inbox and your jaw drops. Why do people propagate this garbage! Anyway, her post is very insightful and worth the read. Check her out at:

For those of you who would like to dedicate more of your time to Blog reading (like you really need to spend more time doing this!!), here are a few of my favorites that are definitely worth checking out!

Cake Wrecks: When Professional Cakes Go Horribly, Hilariously Wrong
I LOVE reading this Blog. If you need a good laugh, bookmark this page! The author, Jen, is an active poster who augments the reader-submitted photos with hilarious captions and stories. Check out the archives for posts such as Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys, Sexual Harassment Cake, Inspiration vs Perspiration, and When Bride's Have No Budget. Do be warned: once you start reading, you'll never stop! Now, go check it out:

And Your Little Do Too...
This is a great Blog if your looking for some fun, new recipes. The author, Kelly, is a girl I met in college. Her Blog is a well-written snapshot of her professional adventures, upcoming wedding, and two dogs. She also posts some really great Black Bean Brownies. Check her out at:

The Paro Post
This is my friend Becca's Blog. She does an amazing job of sharing the daily joys and struggles of being a new wife and mom. She just had beautiful baby boy and I couldn't be happier for her! Check her out at:

Sarahenity NOW!
My friend from graduate school, Sarah, authors a very creative Blog full of awesome photography and inquisitive posts. Check her out at:

Traveling With The Thompsons
This is a Blog, written by my friends from high school, that chronicles their family's missionary preparation in Costa Rica. Once they have completed their preparation, Alison, Justin, and their daughter Cailyn will serve as missionaries in Peru. I love reading about their cultural and spiritual experiences in a country far from home; it is truly inspirational. Check them out at:

Mama Manifesto
This is a GREAT professional Blog co-authored by Kristen (of The Howerton's reviewed above) and Ali that offers practical advice and tips for busy, eco-friendly moms. These Mamas review products, share recipes, offer sanity-saving tips, share their own mothering mishaps, and nurture an on-line community of passionate woman. A fabulous read for mothers and future moms. Check out Mama Manifesto at:

With this post, I hope you've found a few more places to spend your Blog time. If I've featured your Blog in my review and you're not cool with that, leave me a comment and I'll remove my review. Happy Reading!!!